Business Card

Original price was: $0.10.Current price is: $0.07.

Ditch the ordinary and leave a lasting impression with a custom 3D printed business card. Imagine a miniature version of your company logo or mascot brought to life in 3D, or a design that incorporates your brand colors and textures.



Ditch the ordinary and leave a lasting impression with a custom 3D printed business card. Crafted from durable yet lightweight plastic, this unique card transcends the limitations of traditional flat paper. Imagine a miniature version of your company logo or mascot brought to life in 3D, or a design that incorporates your brand colors and textures.

The real magic happens with the embedded QR code. With a quick scan from a smartphone, potential clients are instantly directed to your company website, where they can explore your services, browse your portfolio, or even connect with you directly. It’s a conversation starter and a powerful networking tool all rolled into one.


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