Final Project

Final Project Outline

  1. jQuery Plug: Validation Plugin
    • Minimum 3 Inputs (one email: required and check if valid)
    • Minimum 1 Radio Group (Input Type Radio with 3 Choices)
    • Minimum 1 Selects (with 4 options first has no value)
    • Minimum 4 Check Boxes (msut choose at least 2)
    • Minimum 1 Textarea
    • All controls are required and must be filled out
    • Add novalidate attribute to the form element (this will prevent the browser from validating the form)
  2. Create and Load JSON data on a page
    • Must use a 3rd party JSON API source
    • Must load at least 4 items
    • Each item must have at least 3 values
  3. Create a Google Map based on users location
    • Must Load the Map Page Using HTTPS
    • Use the Google Map API to create the map
    • Request the users location
    • Build the map based on users location
    • Place a custom map pin graphic based on the users location.